Marstow Parish Council

Where It's At, Man!


2021 Census Population Results For Herefordshire


Apart from 1941 an annual census has taken place in this country since 1811 and the preliminary results of the 2021 census and estimates were published a few weeks ago. The population of Herefordshire has risen to 187,100, a rise of 3,600 people, which is an increase of 2% on 2011. However that is a slower rate than England and Wales as a whole which saw on average an increase of 6.6%.

With approximately 86 people per square kilometre, Herefordshire has the fourth lowest population density out of all the counties in England (equivalent to two football pitches per person).

The number of children under 15 has decreased by 4.3% over the last ten years compared to a national increase of 5%.

The number of people aged between 15 to 64 has declined by 4.1% compared to 13.6% increase nationally.

The number of over 65 year olds and over on the other hand has increased by 24.1% in the last ten years compared to 20.1% nationally.

There are 4,500 more households in the county than in 2011, up by 5.7% compared to a national increase of 6.1%.

Herefordshire has a higher proportion of residents in their early fifties and above and lower proportions of young people. There are more females and males reflecting the national pattern with 97 men to every 100 women (96 in England and Wales).

This information starts to clearly paint a picture of the future pressures on our public services, particularly local health and care, and some of the challenges ahead for our local economy, housing market and education system.

Cllr. Elissa Swinglehurst

Herefordshire County Councillor, Llangarron Ward

If you would like to see more information regarding this, click on the button for some funky facts and figures: Funky Facts

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