Marstow Parish Council

Where It's At, Man!


Community Hub Activities

Talk Community Hubs are located across Herefordshire and provide a safe place where people can access up to date wellbeing information and signposting to local and national resources. They also connect people to services, groups and activities, either within the local area or across the county, which can help them support their own wellbeing and independence.

The hubs help bring people together and build friendships, whilst further strengthening our local communities, which are the beating heart of Herefordshire.

Each Talk Community Hub is unique, as it's a reflection of its local community. A hub might be developed within an existing setting, which already operates in the community, such as a community centre, church or café or it can be something completely new. In Whitchurch and Ganarew parishes the Community Hub grew out of the local Good Neighbour scheme and activities are centered on St Dubricius' Church, the primary school and Whitchurch Memorial Hall.

The Whitchurch hub is run by volunteers from the local community, and jointly supported by the parish council and the PCC, in partnership with Herefordshire Council.

It is hoped that very shortly this page wil be updated with information related to activities in Marstow parish!


Whitchurch Memorial Hall

Short Mat Bowls Thursday afternoon each week starts 1.30pm Trevor Nicholson, 01600 891306
Table Tennis Wednesday evening each week 7pm to 9pm Helen Levy, 01600 716321
Art Group Tuesday morning each week, 10am to 12am, term time only Ann Hulme, 01594 564387
Yoga Tuesday evening each week, 7pm to 8.30pm, term time only Shelley Tokar, 01600 890451
Snooker Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday each week. Rodney, 07881 625985
Bob Povey, 07747 514878
Paws and Claws Dog Group Wednesday and Thursday 5pm to 7.30pm each week Eileen, 07981 283871
Silver Swans Ballet Wednesday morning 10.30am to 11.30am Nina Salmon, 07974 117701
Children's Ballet Monday 3.30pm to 6.30pm Nina Salmon, 07974 117701
Ballet Tuesday and Friday each week 3.30pm to 7pm Nina Salmon, 07974 117701
Wye Valley Arts First Wednesday each month 9am to 12 noon Ann Hulme, 01594 564387


Good Neighbour Scheme


Community Lunch St Dubricius church second and fourth Mondays each month.
Please book.
Sue Morris, 01600 890981
Sticky Little Fingers Mothers and pre-school children, Whitchurch Primary School
Tuesday 9.30am to 11am, term time only
Sue Morris, 01600 890981
Coffee morning and social chat St Dubricius church first and third Wednesday morning
each month, 10.30am
Sue Morris, 01600 890981
Knit and Natter social chat St Dubricius church Thursday afternoons each week with tea
and cakes!
Sue Morris, 01600 890981

Future Planned Activities


Friendship Club For a friendly understanding chat Sue Morris, 01600 890981
Craft Club Possibly try to mend things or just play some card games. Sue Morris, 01600 890981
Boat trip on the river Wye Sue Morris, 01600 890981
Sponsored Walk For the British Heart Foundation, all ages welcome.
Take your time! Plenty of refreshments available
Sue Morris, 01600 890981
Christmas afternoon Tea party Sue Morris, 01600 890981

Open Door Ross poster

Hereford Volunteer

Hereford and Worcester Fire and Rescue poster

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